High quality guaranteed packaging materials for total protection of your items in transit or storage.  Below are just some of the items we have. Please ask for any items not shown here.  To order, call free on 0800 160 1106

 Box ‘A’ –Strong double wall box –Household items  Box ‘B’ –For CDs, books and videos
Large box, tea chest size useful for most household items.
46cm x 46cm x 51cm
Small box, mainly used for books, CD's, videos etc.
46cm x 46cm x 26cm
 Wine Box – Wine or Glassware  Archive Box –Files
Carton complete with cell dividers will
carry up to 16 bottles. Also useful for glassware.
35cm x 35cm x 32cm   (14" x 14" x 13")
Suitable for documents and files
40cm x 30cm x 25cm   (16" x 12" x 10")
 Adhesive Tape –Sealing  Portable Wardrobe Cartons For Clothing
Brown tape for sealing boxes and securing items, Per roll The professional way to transport/store hanging garments.
45cm x 51cm x 102cm (18" x 20" x 40")
 Bubble Wrap For Delicate Items  Padlocks
Perfect cushioning for delicate items.
58cm (23") wide 100 metre (328") roll
Hardened steel long shackle padlock. Per lock.